Job seeker visa Germany from Pakistan

With unemployment declining in Germany and its job market highly valued around the world, many foreigners are heading to Germany to look for work. Finding a job and becoming a resident in Germany is possible, however there are some procedures to follow initially.

If you are interested in finding work in Germany, you can travel to Germany with a job search visa. The German job search visa allows people to stay in Germany for a specific period and look for work. However, not everyone needs this type of visa to look for work in Germany. You’ll find out the details in no time.

Getting a visa to look for work in Germany is not easy, you will have to be eligible meet all the requirements, and follow the application process very precisely. Now let’s go over everything you need to know.

What is the German job seeker visa?

The German job seeker visa is a type of long-term visa that gives you the right to stay in Germany for up to six months and look for work. However, not everyone is eligible for this type of visa and to obtain one you must meet certain requirements.

Do I need a job seeker visa for Germany?

Whether or not you need a job search visa depends on your citizenship or nationality. Those from the EU, EEA, and Switzerland can enter Germany to look for work without first needing a visa.

Additionally, countries whose residents are exempt from obtaining a job-seeking visa are Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Israel, Japan, Canada, and the United States. People arriving from these countries are not required to obtain a job-seeking visa but must register for a residence permit once they arrive in Germany.

Residents of all other countries must apply for a job-seeking visa to enter Germany.

Do I Need to Apply for a Germany Job Seeker Visa From Pakistan?

Yes, all Pakistani nationals must obtain a visa before entering Germany. If you have a valid Schengen visa for Germany, you still need to apply for a job seeker visa if you intend to find employment in the country and then apply for a work visa.

Am I Eligible for a German Job Seeker Visa From Pakistan?

You’re eligible for a Germany job seeker visa if you hold a Pakistani passport and you meet the following conditions:

• You have completed a training course or a study program in Germany.

• You have received a degree in Pakistan that is equivalent to one in Germany.

• You have a degree that is recognized in Germany.

• You have at least five years of professional or academic experience.

• You can prove that you have enough financial resources to cover expenses while in Germany.

• You have completed vocational training and can show proof of German language.

What Documents Do I Need for a German Job Seeker Visa From Pakistan?

To obtain your German job seeker visa from Pakistan you must prepare the following documents:

Visa application form. You must submit a filled-out and signed application form for your job seeker visa application. You can fill it out online on this link.

Your Pakistani passport. Please make sure your passport has been issued during the last ten years, has two blank pages, and has a validity period of 6 months after your departure date from Germany.

A copy of your passport. Provide an A4-size copy of your passport in addition to the original documents.

Passport pictures. The identity photos must follow the guidelines of the German embassy/consulate. Remember that the number of required photos depends on the embassy; you may be required to submit up to three pictures.

Resident Permit for Pakistan. Non-Pakistani nationals must present a valid residence permit for Pakistan.

Evidence of academic qualifications. You must submit proof of academic achievement from a German university or equivalent to a German degree.
Proof of recognition of academic degrees. If your degree is not equivalent to one in Germany, you must make sure your degree is fully recognized before applying for your visa. You can check the Anabin database here to see if your degree is accepted in Germany. You may also be required to submit a statement of comparability—for more details on having your degree recognized, refer to the German authorities here.

Evidence of professional experience. Submit any documentation (CV, professional achievements, etc.) that supports your relevant work experience for the German job seeker visa application.

Cover letter. Submit a cover letter detailing how you plan to find employment in Germany, your future career plans, and what you plan to do if the job search is unsuccessful.

Proof of accommodation. Make sure to submit proof of temporary accommodation while you are in Germany. You can submit a hotel reservation, rental agreement, or proof that you will stay with a friend or family member in Germany.

Evidence of sufficient financial means. You must submit proof of having sufficient financial resources to support your stay in Germany while you look for employment— make sure you submit one of the following:

A blocked account shows you have a minimum of EUR 947 (equivalent to PKR 221,915.29 as of December) per month. You can open a blocked account here.

A formal obligation letter from your sponsor if someone is covering your expenses.

Proof of travel insurance. You must provide proof of having travel insurance with a minimum of EUR 30,000 (equivalent to PKR 7,030,051.44 as of December 2022), for medical coverage. Additionally, you must also include proof that you have valid health insurance for after you enter the country—you can either purchase it from a private company in Pakistan or purchase a health insurance policy from a private provider in Germany.

• Civil status documents. You need to submit civil status documents such as your:

• Certified marriage.

• Certified families.

• Birth certified.

Where Do I Apply for a Germany Job Seeker Visa in Pakistan?

You must apply at your closest embassy or consulate in Pakistan for a German job seeker visa. There are several German representative offices in Pakistan, so make sure you find the one that corresponds to your area.

How to Apply for a German Job Seeker Visa From Pakistan?

You can apply for a German job seeker visa from Pakistan by following the instructions below:

• Determine your application office.

• Assemble the required documents.

• Set up an appointment for the submission of the application.

• Pay the required visa fee.

• Submit your application.

• Wait for an answer.

• Enter Germany.

Determine the Correct Application Office

First, you must locate the correct address of the German embassy or consulate in Pakistan, where you are required to submit your application. There might be some visa application centers as third parties authorized by the German embassy top process visa applications. Still, those are usually in charge of short-term visa applications, which is why you must determine the correct application administrative body in Pakistan for a job seeker visa application.

Set up an Appointment With the Embassy/Consulate

Once you know where you are to submit your job seeker visa application, please make an appointment with the German embassy or consulate. Most German embassies/consulates in Pakistan use an online system for visa appointments, which you can usually find on their dedicated websites. Please keep in mind that an appointment is essential for you to submit your application; otherwise, you won’t be able to visit the embassy or consult without prior scheduling.
Note: it may take several weeks to get an appointment, and you cannot receive an accelerated appointment as those are reserved for emergency cases.

Assemble the Required Documents

To submit a successful job seeker visa application; you must prepare several documents, which include your passport, application form, and identification documents—you can find the complete list of requirements below. Please note that embassies cannot double-check your application and tell you if you are missing a document before applying for your visa. This is why it’s essential to understand the complete list of required documents.

Pay the Job Seeker Visa Fee

On the day of your visa appointment; you must pay the required visa fee. Different embassies and consulates in Pakistan accept other forms of payment, so check carefully how to pay your visa fee in advance.

Submit Your Application

Finally, at your appointment with the German embassy/consulate in Pakistan; you can submit your application along with the required documents. You may also be asked to sit down for a visa interview on the same day. They will ask you about your intention to work in Germany, your experiences if you have family members in Pakistan, and so on. Try to be calm and answer the questions as honestly as possible.

Wait for a response

Once you submit your application, it will take several weeks for the embassy to process it and make a decision. You must wait patiently for a response on your visa application. If your visa application is granted you will get the visa, otherwise the embassy will send you a notification of the rejected application along with the reason why the application was rejected.

Enter Germany

If you receive your German job seeker visa after entering the country, you need to complete two essential steps:

Register your address. Within two weeks of your arrival in Germany, you must go to the registration office of your nearest municipality (Einwohnermeldeamt), which is located at the citizens’ office (Bürgerbüro) and register your address. You can register your hotel, rental agreement or private accommodation with friends or family. But you have to provide an address during your stay in Germany.

Get your residence permit. Once you enter the country, you must obtain a temporary residence permit for a jobseeker visa holder. You must make an appointment with the nearest immigration authorities in your area (Ausländerbehörde).

Do I have to send the original documents?

To submit a successful application for your German job search visa in Pakistan, you must submit original documents or certified copies. If you do not have an original document, obtain it from the competent authorities before applying for the visa.

Do I need to notarize my documents?

German embassies/consulates in Pakistan require you to translate some of your documents from English to German or English, such as civil status certificates and have them notarized. Please remember that certification with Apostille stamp or legalization is not accepted by any of the German authorities in Pakistan.

To authenticate your documents, you must bring them to the embassy or consulate before your visa interview, as the authentication process can take up to 12 weeks. Additionally, you will have to pay an additional fee for authentication on the day of your visa interview – the amount of this fee depends on the embassy/consulate.


German Job Seeker Visa Fees for Pakistani Citizens?

A German job seeker visa from Pakistan costs 75 EUR or 17,575.13 PKR. Please note that you may be required to pay the fee in cash or other means, depending on the German embassy/consulate in Pakistan.

How much money is needed for job seeker visa in Germany?

The amount of savings you need to show varies depending on where you apply for your German job search visa. However, in general, you need at least 934 euros per month. For a 6-month visa, this amounts to €5604. Blocked account (escrow account).

Can I convert my tourist visa into a work visa in Germany?

Entering the country with a short-stay (Schengen) visa, e.g. for tourism purposes, does not give the holder the right to carry out a work activity in Germany.

Is it difficult to get a visa to look for work in Germany?

Obtaining a job search visa in Germany is generally considered to be a simple process for people who meet the eligibility criteria. The visa allows you to stay in Germany for up to six months to look for work.

How many months does the job seeker visa in Germany last?

Six months
What opportunities does the visa offer for job seekers? The visa or residence permit for job seekers can be issued for a maximum period of six months.

What is the new visa policy in Germany?

Firstly, applicants will now be entitled to a residence permit if all requirements are met. Secondly, the restriction according to which individuals can only work on the basis of the skills acquired with the professional qualification will be eliminated.

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